
2.6: Concrete Facts or Other Such Fiction

The Goddess is Tall, Blond and Beautiful.

The Goddess is Short, Brunette and Beautiful.

The Goddess is Average in every way and yet she is still Beautiful.

The Goddess has a first name, it's S-H-A-E-N.

The Goddess is ageless, timeless, and a truer God than that of the Jews and the Christians and the Muslims.

She is a demon, out to destroy this world.

She is the Devil, evil in her Beauty.

She eats children for breakfast to feed her Beauty.


2.5: Surviving

The shelter was probably significantly worse than what they could do for themselves, but the thing was, Time and Ritophe were not supposed to be noticeable. A young couple in a well-to-do house would arouse suspicion, and neither could afford that outcome of that. While death was no longer a certainty or even a question for the pair, there were things much worse than death that one could experience. And though neither had living family to watch die, still, there was worse out there.

The others that had been turned like them lived elsewhere now. When Shaen had forgotten them with the world, they had abandoned the City. For some, it had not been a choice. Either the City was too full of enemies without the threat of the sometimes Goddess, or else the disaster had made people too untrustworthy of someone who is too well off. Others though...others wanted nothing to do with what had stolen their life from then, even as it gave them life. Yet both remained, though for different reasons.

When the Misshapen had returned in full force though, that was when they had been finally forced to identify one another. Rien had sought after the woman who stuck out to him as she did to no one else. Each report of a super hero combating the forces of the Goddess settled uneasy with him, as they seemed all too...similar. Of course Reality refused to believe that it was even possible, but that didn't mean that it didn't keep happening. And the rejection he faced as well allowed him to see when it was happening all too easily. And so he found her, and interrogated her on her purposes.

Of course, most of his tactics would be better described as conversed rather than interrogated, simply because while he knew there were ways of torture that would actually cause damage to their eternal bodies, Rien couldn't bring himself to execute any of them. In reality, Time was also entirely fine with sharing everything about her objectives, and was amused that the young man that had found her had similar plans. Very similar plans.

So they were living together now, barely sheltered from the weather because it was less risky. Because it was easier to target the new Misshapen who did not know what to expect from the True Heirs of Her Power. Because it was better than being alone for another century or two.


Paradise is Garbage Act 1, Sc 1

Soft, natural light fills the stage, lighting a couple sitting in an average looking, if very messy living room. One door is visible...needs to be slamable. Elijah is playing video games while sitting on the floor. Savannah is perched on the couch, irate from the beginning. Evidently, an argument has already begun, as a mess of trash has amounted around where Elijah is seated, still attempting to play, not pausing the game to look to Savannah at all.

Elijah : Look. Else...

Savannah : Sitting here is doing neither of us any good now. It's true and you know it. We used to go out, you know, and do things. Do you remember when we did things? I can't remember the last thing we did, if...

Elijah : Oh come off it Sav. We never did things.

Savannah, no longer within reach of trash, throws one of the pillows from the couch at him.

Elijah : Will you cut that shit out? I'm trying to play this fucking game.

Savannah : You've been trying to play that 'fucking' game all day, Elijah. I am bored of watching you play your 'fucking' game. I am tired of sitting around. I am done living like this.

Savannah gathers her jacket and belongings, and stomps off stage. She returns with a duffel bag, hastily packed. Continuing towards the door, she unplugs the television.

Savannah : Just try and play your game now, fucker.

Elijah watches passively as she leaves, and moves to plug the television back in. The game continues its music as if uninterrupted.

Elijah : Thank you craptacular tv shows for the monitor equals computer trope.