

Actually, this is just a quick poll. I've gotten a few comments about the story so far which I really appreciate and I wanted to mention that I'll probably be moving the update time a bit earlier in the day. Posting right before I go to bed is becoming something that is too easy to forget, so I'm going to go ahead and post whenever I can in the day. Hopefully that time will regulate itself, but knowing me it won't.

The other thing I wanted to mention is the side stories. Whenever I post more than once in a day that doesn't have to do with catching up from the previous day, it'll be for a side story...so far. Would the current readers prefer an increase in frequency of side stories? Since they have little to do with Shaen's Universe, (in fact, so far, the only one who may also exist in Shaen's 'verse is Yaxley...and should that happen you'll know it) are they more distracting or just interesting tidbits to you all?

I'm just curious is all, really. XD I'm having fun, so I doubt they'll go away entirely, but I can start posting them elsewhere if they are TOO distracting.

Thanks for reading!

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