
Prologue.1: Wondering

Shaen was wondering, for what might have been the millionth time, what she was doing here.

No, she decided, moments later, that that wasn't what she had actually been wondering at all.

Rather, it'd been why she was here.

Wait, was that any different, really? Shaen thought maybe it wasn't, but maybe it was.

Maybe this was why she was here, actually. Because she couldn't determine between what she was thinking, and what words really meant anymore. They used to convey so many things, used to hold so much meaning, used to be everything to her.

Memories of those days brought something out of her, and her fingers itched. It was the first time in minutes that she had been aware of her body again, and that was the end of that. The thoughts stopped as of their own accord, the pale tips touched one another in rapid succession, one hand the keyboard, the other typing each letter across the knuckles and bones.

She wondered what she was doing here, for what was certainly not the millionth time, in the corner office with the view of the City and the assistant who was even now waiting for Shaen's next summon.

WC: 194

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